Several physics experiments are moving (or are evaluating the possibility to move) towards new acquisition models. The tendency is to leave the hardware trigger system in favour of a complete or partial acquisition of the front-end data paired with a powerful online software event discrimination. Hardware trigger systems usually have to deal with a tight latency budget due to the narrow...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), with 53 km baseline from a set of nuclear reactors under construction, and featuring an overburden of more than 700 meters, will aim at measuring the neutrino mass hierarchy, as well as many other quantities of utmost importance in neutrino and astroparticle physics. The underground experimental hall, in which JUNO detector installed and...
The increase of the particle flux (pile-up) at the HL-LHC with instantaneous luminosities up to L ≃ 7.5 × 1034 cm−2s−1 will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector reconstruction and trigger performance. The end-cap and forward region where the liquid Argon calorimeter has coarser granularity and the inner tracker has poorer momentum resolution will be particularly affected. A High...
Accurate reconstruction of charged particle trajectories and measurement of their parameters (tracking) is one of the major challenges of the CMS experiment. A precise and efficient tracking is one of the critical components of the CMS physics program as it impacts the ability to reconstruct the physics objects needed to understand proton-proton collisions at the LHC. In this work, we describe...
The Taishan Antineutrino Observatory (TAO or JUNO-TAO) will be deployed next to a core of the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant to measure the reactor neutrino spectrum precisely as a reference spectrum for JUNO. TAO also aims to measure the fine structures for the first time and to test the nuclear database used in the summation calculation of the spectrum. The ultra-high energy resolution of TAO...
FASER is an experiment dedicated to searching for light, extremely weakly-interacting particles that are produced in the very forward direction of high-energy pp collisions at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The detector is placed 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point, aligned with the beam collisions axis, and consists of both active electronic components intended to search for...
The Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) is located 1700 m (4800 m.w.e) below Fréjus peak (Alpes chain) mountain in the middle of the Fréjus tunnel between France/Italy. The LSM is a multi-disciplinary platform for the experiments requiring low radioactivity environment. Several experiments in Particle and Astroparticle Physics, low-level of High Purity of Germanium gamma ray spectrometry,...
The MIP Timing Detector (MTD) is a new sub-detector planned for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN, aimed at maintaining the excellent particle identification and reconstruction efficiency of the CMS detector during the High-Luminosity LHC (HL- LHC) era. The MTD will provide new and unique capabilities to CMS by measuring the time-of-arrival of minimum ionizing particles with a...
The purpose of the cosmic muon veto (CMV) detector is to investigate the feasibility of constructing a large-scale neutrino experiment at shallow depths. An extruded plastic scintillator (EPS)-based active veto system for cosmic ray muons is being built around the existing miniICAL detector, which is a scaled-down version of the proposed ICAL detector, at the transit campus of India-based...
The aim of the LHCb Upgrade II is to operate at a luminosity of 1.5 x 10$^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ to collect a data set of 300 fb$^{-1}$. The required substantial modifications of the current LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter due to high radiation doses in the central region and increased particle densities are referred to as PicoCal. A consolidation of the ECAL already during LS3 will reduce...
The MoEDAL detector, deployed at IP8 in 2010, was the LHC’s first dedicated search experiment. MoEDAL is designed to detect Highly Ionizing Particle avatars of BSM physics without requiring a restrictive trigger. MoEDAL’s MAPP-1 (MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles) is currently being installed in UA83 adjacent to IP8 on the LHC ring MAPP-1’s purpose is to extend the reach of the...
The High Energy Particle Detector (HEPD-02) onboard the second China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES)-02 is designed to measure cosmic rays, i.e., electrons and protons, along with light nuclei, in the energy range between a few MeV and a few hundreds of MeV. This high-precision instrument is composed by different subdetectors: a tracking system, a trigger system, a calorimeter made by...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose experiment with a 20 kton liquid scintillator (LS) detector of unprecedented 3% energy resolution (at 1 MeV) at 700 meter underground (1800 m.w.e.). The liquid scintillator target is contained in an acrylic sphere with a diameter of 35.4 meter, which is supported by a stainless steel latticed shell structure outside. There...
The data acquisition system (DAQ) is consisting of 95232 registration channels in total containing 1488 Front-End Cards (FEC) grouped into 24 groups of 62 pcs. in each. Each FEC has an individual full-duplex few-gigabit communication channel with Readout and Control Unit (RCU). Each RCU manages each FEC within the group of size of 1/24 of full TPC, collects data with subsequent transmission...
An innovative single-photon detector based on a vacuum tube with transmission photocathode, a microchannel plate and the Timepix4 CMOS ASIC [[1]] as read-out anode is presented. This photodetector will allow to detect up to 1 billion photons per second over an area of $7\;cm^2$, allowing to simultaneously achieve a position resolution of $5-10\;\mu m$ and a timing resolution better than...
Nearly all physics analyses at CMS rely on precise reconstruction of particles from their signatures in the experiment’s calorimeters. This requires both assignment of energy deposits to particles and recovery of various properties across the detector. These tasks have traditionally been performed by classical algorithms and BDT regressions, both of which rely on human-engineered high level...
The MoEDAL detector, deployed at IP8 in 2010, was the LHC’s first dedicated search experiment. It is a largely passive detector utilizing a 70 sqm arrangement of Nuclear Track detectors and a unique trapping detector array of mass ~ 1tonne. An active detector array of Timepix2 pixel devices monitors the radiation field near MoEDAL. MoEDAL is designed to detect highly ionizing avatars of BSM...
Future electron-positron colliders require precise energy resolution of jets to measure the Standard Model particles and explore new physics. A novel electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) with transverse crystal bars has been proposed for the future electron-positron collider experiments, offering high intrinsic energy resolution, 3D granularity required by the Particle Flow Approach (PFA) and...
SND@LHC is a compact and stand-alone experiment that performed the first collider neutrino observation at the LHC.
The detector, located 480 m from the ATLAS interaction point, is composed of a target region, followed downstream by a hadronic calorimeter and a muon identification system.
The target region is instrumented with five walls of emulsion cloud chambers, each followed by a...
Neutrino oscillation physics has now entered the precision era. In parallel with needing larger detectors to collect more data, future experiments further require a significant reduction of systematic uncertainties with respect to what is currently available. In the neutrino oscillation measurements from the T2K experiment, the systematic uncertainties related to neutrino interaction cross...
The SABRE (Sodium-iodide with Active Background REjection) South experiment, located at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (SUPL) in Australia, aims to measure an annual modulation in dark-matter interactions using ultra-high-purity NaI(Tl) crystals. In partnership with the SABRE North effort at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), SABRE South is designed to disentangle any...
Photek have developed a square microchannel plate (MCP) PMT using 6 µm pore MCPs to achieve superior timing, compared to the previous generation which used 15 µm pores. The native anode pattern is 64x64, but for this module the pattern is ganged to a 16x16 design using an epoxy bonded PCB giving an anode size of 3.3×3.3 mm2 in a 53×53 mm2 active area. The electronic front-end is the TOFPET2d...
Optical readout of large scale dual-phase liquid Argon TPCs is an
attractive and cost effective alternative to charge readout. Following
the successful demonstration of 3D optical readout with the ARIADNE
1-ton detector, the ARIADNE+ experiment was deployed using the protoDUNE
“cold box” at the CERN neutrino platform imaging a much larger active
region of 2mx2m. ARIADNE+ uses 4 Timepix3...
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 4th generation synchrotron radiation light source of ultrahigh brightness that is currently under construction in China. HEPS-BPIX 6M is a dedicated silicon pixel detector under development that will be used in HEPS. The detector hosts about 6 million pixels which will be assembled with 40 modules, covering a large effective detection area of about...
The MAPP-1 (MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles) detector, currently being installed in the UA83 tunnel some 100m from IP8, was approved by CERN for installation on the LHC ring or Run-3 operation in December 2021. The purpose of the MAPP-1 detector is to extend the reach of the MoEDAL experiment to include sensitivity to Feebly Ionizing Particles such as milli-charged particles....
We present an innovative upgrade to the CMS Level-1 Muon trigger for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era. The upgrade includes a new, modular, ATCA, time-multiplexed, platform that hosts large FPGAs and can run a variety of muon reconstruction algorithms, including Machine Learning based ones. The system also takes advantage of the availability of tracks at the Level-1 from the CMS track...
The fixed-target experiment “Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron” (BM@N) is aimed to study characteristics of hot and dense nuclear matter produced in nucleus – nucleus collisions at beam energies of 2 – 4 A GeV. The developed trigger system is an important part of the experiment and allows fast and effective selection of nucleus – nucleus interactions in a target. It includes several subsystems...
The Taishan Antineutrino Observatory (TAO or JUNO-TAO) is a satellite experiment of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO). By adopting 10 m^2 Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) with 50% photon detection efficiency (PDE) and 94% coverage, and 2.8 ton gadolinium-doped liquid scintillator (GdLS) with 4500 photoelectrons per MeV effective light yield, TAO detector will reach 2%/√E...
The particle identification system ASHIPH (Aerogel, SHifter, PHotomultiplier) has been working in the KEDR experiment at VEPP-4M $e^{+}e^{-}$-collider (Budker INP, Novosibirsk) since 2014. The system consists of 160 aerogel cherenkov counters arranged in two layers and covers 96% of the solid angle. The volume of aerogel is 1000 liters, its refractive index is 1.05. For the photon detection we...
The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector. As the closest detector component to the interaction point, this detector is subjected to a significant amount of radiation over its lifetime. At the start of the LHC proton-proton collision RUN3 in 2022, the innermost layer IBL, consisting of planar and 3D pixel sensors, had received an integrated...
The development of new materials with tunable surface and/or bulk resistivity paved the way to explore new resistive-MPGD technologies for application in cryogenic systems. We will present new results obtained with two novel technologies targeting operation in liquid argon DP-TPCs: the cryogenic Resistive WELL (RWELL) and the cryogenic Resistive Plate WELL (RPWELL). The RWELL and RPWELL...
The long baseline T2K neutrino experiment in Japan obtained a first indication of CP violation in neutrino oscillations. To obtain better sensitivity, T2K will accumulate more statistics with a higher intensity beam and the upgraded near detector ND280 which allows us to reduce systematic uncertainties in oscillation measurements. The upgraded detector will have the full polar angle...
One of the top goals of a high energy experiment is to perform precision tests on the Standard Model and probe new physics beyond the Standard Model. Therefore, it is essential to precisely measure the momenta and impact parameters of charged tracks. Because of the rapid advancement of technology, excellent tracking systems could be built. The most accurate silicon pixel tracker is approaching...
A gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with optical readout is proposed in the CYGNO project as an innovative technique to study rare events such as DM particle or solar neutrino interactions. 3D particle tracks can be reconstructed in the TPC volume, filled with He:CF4 at atmospheric pressure. The amplification stage exploits a stack of three Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) stack where the...
Modern projects require large format aerogel radiators. In 2022-2023, several unique aerogel tile were produced in Novosibirsk. Aerogel blocks larger than 200 by 200 mm in lateral size and 40, 50 mm thickness with a refractive index of 1.03 or 1.05 were fabricated. Also in 2023, for the first time in the world, samples of a multilayer focusing aerogel with dimensions of 230x230x35 mm were...
The LHCb experiment has been upgraded during the second long shutdown
of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and the new detector is currently
operating at the LHC. The Vertex Locator (VELO) is the detector
surrounding the interaction region of the LHCb experiment, responsible of
reconstructing the proton-proton collision (primary vertices) as well as
the decay vertices of long-lived...
Abstract. The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal), a sampling hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment, will require new electronics to meet the requirements of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). This talk will demonstrate how deep neural networks can improve quality control of the new Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS) boards in the contest of the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade...
The Super Charm-Tau (SCT) Factory project is a future electron-positron colliding beam experiment with unprecedented high luminosity $10^{35}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ at the interaction energy range from 3 to 7 GeV. The physics program of the experiment is aimed to search the phenomena beyond the standard model and its precise calibration in this energy range. The main features of the SCT Factory...
Prototypes of electromagnetic and hadronic imaging calorimeters
developed and operated by the CALICE collaboration provide an
unprecedented wealth of highly granular data of hadronic showers for a
variety of active sensor elements and different absorber materials. In
this presentation, we discuss detailed measurements of the spatial and
the time structure of hadronic showers to...
Reliable operation of gaseous coordinate detectors in modern High Energy Physics experiments requires precise and stable composition of the working gas mixture. Independent monitoring of the gas quality is vital for many detector systems.
We propose independent gas quality monitoring system based on a straw tube module equipped with a configurable high voltage supply, readout electronics...
The inner tracker of CMS is the largest silicon tracker ever built with 1856 pixel and 15148 strip detector modules that provide accurate track reconstruction. To achieve high precision in measurements of the momenta of charged particles, corrections for the position, rotation and curvature of these modules must be found; such a procedure is known as tracker alignment. Magnet cycles,...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector being built for neutrino detection. The detector will be built in a laboratory at 700-m underground for cosmic muon-induced background reduction. The 20 kton of liquid scintillator target is in an acrylic sphere surrounded by 17612 20-inch large PMTs that compose the central detector. A 34 kton...
The reconstruction of electrons and photons in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector depends on topological clustering of the energy deposited by an incident particle in different crystals of the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL). These clusters are formed by aggregating neighbouring crystals according to the expected topology of an electromagnetic shower in the ECAL.
The presence of...
The FOOT experiment aims at measuring the differential cross sections for the production of secondary fragments in interactions between light ions (C, O) and hydrogen-enriched targets, with beam energies of up to 400 MeV/u, a topic relevant for the optimization of particle therapy treatments, which can only be addressed in inverse kinematics [1]. By extending the energy range up to 800 MeV/u,...
The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) is a CERN experiment that aims to test several technologies and techniques related to water Cherenkov detectors. It will consist of approximately 120 multi-PMT photosensors placed in a water tank (~3.8 m diameter, ~3.6 m height, total water mass ~41 tonnes). Each multi-PMT consists of nineteen 3” PMTs and the associated front-end electronics enclosed...
The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) restarted operations in LHC Run-3. The SCT successfully operated in LHC Run-2 (2015-2018) which came with high instantaneous luminosity and pileup conditions that were far in excess of what the SCT was originally designed tomeet. The first significant effects of radiation damage in the SCT were alsoobserved during Run-2. The operation condition of SCT...
In preparation for the High Luminosity LHC phase, the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment is working on its (Phase-2) upgrade. The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors are one of the technologies involved in this upgrade. The GEM systems consist of 3 stations. GE1/1 was installed and is taking data since the beginning of Run3; GE2/1 and ME0 will be installed during the next Year End...
Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) is a next generation underground water Cherenkov detector to be built in Japan for neutrino oscillation studies, proton decay searches, and neutrino astrophysics. An Outer Detector (OD) will provide information to identify interactions originating from particles outside the inner detector of HK and to veto background events. The baseline configuration of OD includes a...
LHCb has undergone a major upgrade during LHC LS2 (2019-2022) to cope with increased instantaneous luminosities and a 40 MHz read-out with a full software-based trigger and real-time analysis to improve on many world-best physics measurements. A light and homogeneous tracking detector based on plastic scintillating fibres has been installed downstream of the LHCb dipole magnet.
During the upcoming years of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) program, the CMS Muon spectrometer will face challenging conditions. The existing detectors, which consist of Drift Tubes (DT), Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC), and Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC), as well as recently installed Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) stations, will need to sustain an instantaneous luminosity of...
By Nicholas Perikli
School of Physics and Institute for Collider Particle Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Particle physics data consists of patterns in measurements that can be separated into hot topics and more mundane data. This approach is analogous to looking for keywords or topics in huge text data by separating more specific words...
The Spherical Neutral Detector (SND) is intended for the study electron-positron annihilation processes operating at VEPP-2000 e+e- collider, which is located at Novosibirsk, Russia. The main part of the SND detector is a three-layer electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC).
The EMC is equipped with spectrometric channel, which provides measurement of the calorimeter signal arrival time and...
The development and evaluation of environmentally sustainable gas mixtures for Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) have become increasingly important due to the high Global Warming Potential (GWP) associated with the currently mostly used gases, C2H2F4 and SF6. The ECOGAS collaboration, which includes ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb/SHiP, and the CERN EP-DT group, is dedicated to investigating the...
About 25 thousand 3-inch PMTs (SPMTs) were designed to install in JUNO detector between the gaps of about 18 thousand 20-inch PMTs (LPMTs) to enhance the detector performance, such as improving energy resolution and nonlinearity, extend JUNO physics like supernova neutrino detection and so on. Currently, all the parts of SPMT system, such as SPMTs, cables, electronics and under water boxes...
The next frontier project of nuclear physics in the United States will be the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), planned to be built in the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Excellent particle identification (PID) is one of the key requirements for the EIC central detector. Identification of the hadrons in the final state is critical to study how different quark flavors contribute to nucleon...
The ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger is a custom-built hardware system
that identifies events containing calorimeter-based physics objects,
including electrons, photons, taus, jets, and missing transverse energy.
In Run 3, L1Calo has been upgraded to process higher granularity
input data. The new trigger, currently running in parallel with the
legacy system, comprises several...
To cope with the increase of the LHC instantaneous luminosity, new
trigger readout electronics were installed on the ATLAS Liquid Argon
On the detector, 124 new electronic boards digitise at high speed 10
times more signals than the legacy system. Downstream, large FPGAs are
processing up to 20 Tbps of data to compute the deposited energies.
Moreover, a...
The INO-ICAL collaboration has built a prototype detector called mini-ICAL at IICHEP, Madurai, India, as part of their research and development efforts. This module serves to investigate detector performance, and engineering challenges in constructing large-scale magnets and magnetic field measurement systems, and to test ICAL electronics in the presence of a magnetic field. Additionally,...
The Spin Physics Detector (SPD) is designed as a universal 4$\pi$ detector with advanced tracking and particle identification for studying the spin structure of the proton and deuteron and other spin-related phenomena. The detector will be installed at one of the two beam intersection points of the NICA collider, which is currently at the final stage of construction at JINR. A luminosity of...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose experiment designed to elucidate fundamental neutrino properties, study neutrinos with astrophysical or terrestrial origins, and search for rare processes beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Its central detector is a 20 kton liquid scintillator (LS) located 650 m underground in Guangdong, China. To achieve its...
The China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) mission develops through a constellation of satellites, devoted to the study of the near-Earth environment, including electromagnetic fields, ionospheric plasma and particle populations. Each satellite - flying on a quasi-polar Sun-synchronous low-Earth orbit - is a multi-channel space observatory and hosts several instruments onboard....
Calorimeters have recently evolved to provide much more granularity in order to better identify particles inside showers and improve the energy resolution, in particular for jets. “Imaging calorimetry” has been studied in detail by the CALICE collaboration since the mid 2000s and more recently chosen by the CMS experiment to equip its endcap calorimeter. Imaging calorimetry increases by one...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose neutrino experiment with a 20 kton Liquid Scintillator central detector. The primary goal of JUNO is determination of the neutrino mass ordering by measuring the reactor antineutrinos. There are 20012 20-inch PMTs for JUNO, 17612 for the central detector and 2400 for the outer water-Cherenkov detector. To achieve the...
The Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDC) were designed to provide the measurement of the event geometry and luminosity in heavy-ion operation.
In order to exploit the potential offered by the LHC increased luminosity in Run 3 the ZDC upgraded its readout system to be able to acquire all collisions in self-triggered mode without dead time.
The purpose of the upgrade was to enable the detector to...
In June 2022 the data taking of the Belle II experiment was stopped for the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1), which is primarily required to install a new two-layer DEPFET detector (PXD) and upgrade components of the accelerator. The whole silicon tracker (VXD) will be extracted from Belle II, then the outer four-layer double-sided strip detector (SVD) is split into its two halves to allow access for the...
Many physics analyses using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the LHC require accurate, high resolution electron and photon energy measurements. Excellent energy resolution is crucial for studies of Higgs boson decays with electromagnetic particles in the final state, as well as searches for very high mass resonances decaying to energetic photons or electrons. The CMS electromagnetic...
A new beam tracker system for BM@N experiment was developed and implemented in the recent experimental run with Xe beam. The tracker consists of three double sided silicon detectors, which determine beam ion trajectory in each event. Design parameters of the system are driven by the requirements of the experiment: ability to operate in beams of light and heavy ions, to cover relatively large...
A new photodetection device that uses Silicon Photomultipliers and a Cherenkov photon trap system will be presented, which was named C-Arapuca. We describe the construction of a tank containing 550 liters of ultra-pure water, where C-Arapuca and a photomultiplier tube were installed. Cherenkov photons produced by cosmic ray muons are trapped through the use of a dichroic filter on the optical...
A custom Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) TIGER (Turin Integrated Gem Electronics for Readout) is capable of simultaneous precise measurements of both the charge and time characteristics of signals in gaseous detectors. Flexibility of TIGER operation parameters makes it attractive to be evaluated as a front-end electronics solution for Straw-based Trackers of future High Energy...
This paper compares the historical temperature data of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal)
drawers, extracted from the Detector Control System (DCS). ATLAS TileCal is an experimental
tool used in particle physics for measuring the energy of particles. The TileCal DCS
continuously monitors all the hardware and infrastructure for each subsystem. The Tile-in-
One (TiO) tool is used to...
The LHC upgrade at CERN implies an increase in the dynamic range for the electromagnetic liquid argon (Lar) calorimeter of the ATLAS detector, a change in the power supply system and an increase of the luminosity and thus of radiation effects on detectors. This requires completely redoing the Lar calibration system. The new system should provide a 16-bit range current (from 625 nA to 320 mA)...
A 20 kton liquid scintillator (LS) detector was designed in the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) for multiple physics purposes. In order to determine the neutrino mass ordering, JUNO needs an excellent energy resolution of 3% /√E(MeV) and an accuracy of the energy scale at 1% level or better. On one hand, a comprehensive calibration system is designed, deploying multiple...
The Spin Physics Detector (SPD) at the NICA collider at JINR is being developed to measure the nucleon spin structure. Polarized proton and deuteron beams will collide at the centre-of-mass energy up to 27 GeV in the proton-proton collision mode, with instantaneous luminosity up to 1e32 Hz/cm2. Tracks of charged particles will be measured in the magnetic field of a superconducting magnet with...
The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) is the proposal for a new ground-based gamma-ray observatory in the Southern Hemisphere, and an array of water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) will be used to monitor the very-high-energies gamma-ray emission from the southern sky. In this report, we propose one fiber-PMT, small size photomultiplier tube (PMT) coupling with wavelength shift fiber...
The LUXE experiment aims at studying high-field QED in electron-laser and photon-laser interactions, with the 16.5 GeV electron beam of the European XFEL and a laser beam with power of up to 350 TW. The experiment will measure the spectra of electrons, positrons and photons in expected ranges of $10^{−3}$ to $10^{9}$ per 1 Hz bunch crossing, depending on the laser power and focus. These...
Large liquid argon time projection chambers (LAr-TPCs) are playing an increasingly important role in neutrino physics, with several past and present accelerator neutrino experiments choosing this technology for their designs. The upcoming DUNE experiment will supersede all its predecessors both in size and physics reach. The calibration of the DUNE detector will be an essential component of...
Abstract. The TileCal is the hadronic calorimeter found in the central region of the ATLAS. It is a sampling calorimeter made of steel tiles as the absorber material and scintillating tiles as the active medium. The light produced as the particle crosses the scintillator tiles is transmitted by the wavelength-shifting fibres. The PMT converts the light into an analog signal and transfers it to...
The HKROC ASIC was originally designed to readout the photomultiplier tubes for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. HKROC is an auto-triggered very versatile and innovative ASIC capable of readout a large number of channels while meeting very stringent requirements in terms of noise, time & charge resolution while sustaining very high hit-rate and low-power consumption.
Each HKROC channel...
A large-volume liquid scintillator neutrino detector is proposed to develop at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the North Caucasus. The detector will be located at the depth of 4700 m.w.e. (meter of water equivalent). A target mass of the detector will be 10 kt. This multipurpose detector is being developed to study...
After successfully completing Phase I upgrades during LHC Long Shutdown 2, the ATLAS detector is back in operation with several upgrades implemented. The most important and challenging upgrade is in the Muon Spectrometer, where the two inner forward muon stations have been replaced with the New Small Wheels (NSW) system featuring two entirely new detector technologies: small strip Thin Gap...
EAS Cherenkov arrays are a powerful instrument for studies of primary cosmic rays in a wide range of energy. In this approach the Earth’s atmosphere is used as a calorimeter providing EAS Cherenkov arrays high energy resolution. Another advantage of the method is its high time resolution which results in a good angular resolution. Usually EAS Cherenkov array is a sparsely instrumented array...
DUNE is a long-baseline accelerator experiment in construction at Fermilab and SURF (South Dakota) aiming to probe CP violation in the neutrino sector and to identify the neutrino mass hierarchy.
The DUNE physics reach on the observation of supernova neutrino bursts and proton decay is remarkably enhanced by the DUNE Photon Detection System (PDS) and strictly related to the Photon Detection...
Belle II located at the SuperKEKB collider at KEK, Japan, started data taking in March 2019 and is currently in the 1st long shutdown (LS1) after reaching the peak luminosity of 4.7e34 /cm2.s and collected about 430 fb-1 of data. Crucial to the Belle II detector is the Pixel Sub-Detector (PXD), which provides precise vertexing capabilities in a challenging radiation environment. LS1 opens the...
The High-Luminosity LHC upgrade aims to increase the instantaneous luminosity of the LHC machine to a nominal value of $5\times10^{34}\:cm^{-2}s^{-1}$. During the Long Shutdown 3 (2026-2028), ATLAS and CMS silicon tracking systems will be entirely replaced and the main design goals include the capability to deal with high hit and data rates, the increase in granularity, and improved radiation...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is the next generation high luminosity $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider focusing on the tau-charm physics. STCF will achieve a luminosity of over $0.5\times10^{35} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ at 4 GeV, resulting in a high event rate and a high beam background for the detector system. The background count rate of over 1 MHz per module places new demands on the electromagnetic...
SiPMs (also known as MPPCs) are becoming widely used in HEP experiments thanks to their excellent photon counting performance, compactness, and immunity to magnetic fields.
Powering these devices, apparently simpler than high-voltage photosensors, still poses several challenges due to the dependence of their performance on bias voltage and the significant increase of leakage current after...
The MicroBooNE experiment is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) placed on-axis to the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab. MicroBooNE ran its physics and R&D runs from 2015 through 2021. Its primary physics goal is to contribute to addressing the elusive short-baseline MiniBooNE low energy excess. MicroBooNE records and utilizes both the ionization charge and scintillation...
The study of nuclear fragmentation plays a central role in many important applications: from the study of Particle Therapy up to radiation protection for space missions.
In Particle Therapy, nuclear interactions of the beam with the patient’s body causes fragmentation of both the projectile and target nuclei.
In treatments with protons, target fragmentation generates short range secondary...
While the on-going Run-3 data-taking campaign will provide twice the integrated proton-proton luminosity currently available at the LHC, most of the data expected for the full LHC physics program will only be delivered during the HL-LHC phase. For this, the LHC will undergo an ambitious upgrade program to be able to deliver an instantaneous luminosity of $7.5\times 10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$...
The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics is actively developing the Super Charm-Tau Factory (SCTF) project, which is a mega-science class facility that will be used to study the decays of rare c-quarks and tau-leptons in Sarov, Russia. A new drift chamber to the SCTF detector is proposed consisting of 41 layers of hexagonal cells with an average radius of 7 mm in the He/C3H8 gas mixture. The...
The performance of the 30 tons liquid krypton calorimeter of the KEDR experiment during successful operation in 2004–2022 at the VEPP-4M e+e- collider will be presented. A brief introduction to the design, cryogenic system, readout electronics, and trigger will be given. The stability and of all aspects of the calorimeter operation will be discussed. The physical performance of the...
SoLID (Solenoidal Large Intensity Device) is a large acceptance spectrometer which can handle very high luminosity, being planned at Jefferson Lab, USA. The Shashlyk-type sampling detector will be used for the electromagnetic calorimeter for SoLID. Several modules of Shashlyk electromagnetic calorimeter have been built in our laboratory to study the structure and the performance. The machining...
Liquid argon (Large) is used as active media in several neutrino and dark matter experiments (DUNE, SBND, Microboone, Icarus, DarkSide, DEAP, …). Ionization particles in liquid argon produce free charges and scintillation photons. Both signals are used to perform calorimetric measurements, particle identification and three dimensional reconstruction. LAr scintillation light can be quenched...
In this contribution, we present a development of resistive Micromegas (MM) technology to reach stable and efficient operation up to particle fluxes of 10 MHz/cm2. This can be achieved with a pixelized detector using readout pads of a few mm2 area, significantly reducing the occupancy of the readout elements. In the most recent prototypes (exploiting double DLC layer), the resistive layer is...
There have been significant advances in the use of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs) for the study of neutrinos in recent years. The low-energy particle identification capabilities and scalability of LArTPCs with pixelated charge readout systems could provide enhanced performance in detecting the Compton scattering of photons used in medical imaging techniques such as Positron...
The ALICE experiment at CERN is developing an upgrade of the three innermost layers of the Inner Tracking System (ITS3) vertexing detector, to be installed during the Long Shutdown 3 of the LHC (2026-28)[1]. It will consist of three truly cylindrical sensors wrapped around the beam pipe, a concept that is enabled by the flexible nature of silicon when thinned down to less than 50 µm[2]. The...
Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) detectors, employed in the muon systems of CERN LHC experiments, are operated with gas mixtures containing C2H2F4 (R-134a) and SF6, both greenhouse gases (GHGs) with a high global warming potential (GWP). Among strategies developed by CERN Gas Team to reduce GHG emissions, one branch is focused on studying alternative gas mixtures and one on recuperating gases...
HEPS-BPIX40 is a new hybrid pixel detector specifically designed for the High Energy Photon Source, which is currently under construction in Beijing, China. It is a full upgrade from both the chip and detector module of its former version, BPIX20. The pixel chip comprises a matrix of 128 x 96 pixels, with each pixel measuring 140 μm x 140 μm. The pixel circuit operates in the single photon...
The Inner Tracker of the CMS experiment will be replaced during the Phase-2 upgrade in order to maintain nominal performance under the harsh conditions of HL-LHC. The main factors defining the new detector design are:
- radation dose: 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of up to 2.3 x 10^16 neq/cm^2 and a total ionizing dose (TID) of up to 12 MGy (1.2 Grad);
- projected hit rates of...
The LArTPC technology, in the last decade has witnessed several novelties, preparing the stage for the next generation of large scale long baseline neutrino experiments such as DUNE.
The SoLAr detector concept aims to extend the sensitivities of such detectors to the MeV energy range, and expands their physics reach to precision measurement of solar and supernovae neutrinos.
The core concept...
The BINP SB RAS, in collaboration with Novosibirsk State University,has upgraded facility for boron-neutron capture therapy for the possibility of radiation tests on beam of fast neutrons with the integral flux up to 10^14 neq/cm2.
In 2022 the experiment on the study of the radiation aging of optical fibers for the laser calibration system of electromagnetic calorimeter CMS (CERN,...
In the high-luminosity era of the Large Hadron Collider, the instantaneous luminosity is expected to reach unprecedented values, resulting in up to 200 proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch crossing. To cope with the resulting increase in occupancy, bandwidth and radiation damage, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The innermost...
The power over fiber (PoF) technology delivers electrical power by sending laser light through an optical fiber to a photovoltaic power converter, in order to power sensors or electrical devices.
This solution offers several advantages: removal of noise induced by power lines, robustness in a hostile environment, spark free operation when electric fields are present and no interference with...
Abstract. TileCal, the central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is readout by about 10,000 photomultipliers (PMTs). Earlier studies of performance showed a degradation in PMT response as a function of the integrated anode charge. At the end of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) program, the expected integrated charge for PMTs reading out the most...
This work explores a technique for extracting the position of particle along the direction of a pickup strip, in a large area single-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC), by measuring the timing-difference from the two ends of the strip. Using precise time-difference measurement, the position can be obtained more precisely than the conventional x-y strip readout with the same number of...
The study of the properties of the proton is based on spectroscopy measurements. The FAMU experiment aims to meaure the Zemach radius of the proton through exotic atoms. In particular the hyperfine splitting (HFS) of the energy ground levels of the muonic hydrogen (µp) is directly related to the Zemach radius. In presence of a gas mixture, muons are transferred from µp to heavier gas with...
The 3DΠ scanner is a Total-Body (TB), Time Of Flight (TOF), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging device that utilizes silicon photomultiplier-based technology and a Xenon-doped Liquid Argon (LAr) scintillator. The scanner has an axial field-of-view (AFOV) of 200 cm and consists of 9 double-sided concentric rings of SiPM panels. The addition of Xenon doping to the LAr scintillator...
The ALICE collaboration foresees the replacement of the three innermost layers of the present inner tracking system (ITS2), during the LHC long shutdown 3, with a completely new system, called ITS3. The expected performance will improve the pointing resolution of the tracking, particularly at low transverse momentum, hence significantly extending the heavy flavour physics program of the...
The next generation of collider detectors will make full use of Particle
Flow algorithms, requiring high precision tracking and full imaging
calorimeters. The latter, thanks to granularity improvements by 2 to 3
orders of magnitude compared to existing devices, have been developed
during the past 15 years by the CALICE collaboration and are now
reaching maturity. The state-of-the-art...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiment hosted in the US. DUNE is currently under construction and will consist of two neutrino detectors: the Near Detector at Fermilab and the Far Detector in the Sanford Underground Research Facility, 1300 km downstream of the beam source. The Near Detector (ND) will sample the beam...
Various technological options of high granularity calorimetry are being explored and developed within the CALICE collaboration for future collider experiments. Two CALICE technological prototypes of scintillator-based calorimeter have been developed to address major challenges of system integration and to demonstrate the mass assembly capability for a final detector which typically requires...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a long baseline neutrino experiment for neutrino science and Beyond the Standard Model physics, aiming to resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy and measure CP-violation phase. DUNE will also have sensitivity to detect neutrinos from supernovae.
The experiment will make use of four far detector (FD) modules, 1300 km away from the beam line,...
The Accelerator Mass Spectrometry technique makes it possible to measure rare long-lived isotopes such as 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 129I. The content of these isotopes can be at the level of $10^{-15}$ of the total element content. The Accelerator Mass Spectrometer developed by Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP AMS) successfully measures the concentration of 14C relative 12C. However, there is...
Axions are a hypothetical elementary particle originally proposed as a result of the Peccei-Quinn solution to the Strong CP problem. With the right masses, axions are a compelling dark matter candidate and have been the subject of growing interest in recent years among the international dark matter detection community.
Generally, axion dark matter is very light – on the order of micro-eV...
The European Innovation Council (EIC) has been established under Horizon Europe as Europe’s flagship innovation programme to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations. With its budget of €10.1 billion for the period 2021-2027 it focuses mainly on high-risk innovation throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology...
A new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) has been designed for the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC. As part of this, a new pixel detector consisting of a total area of approximately 12m2, will be constructed with planar and 3D pixel modules, mounted onto ring and stave shaped low mass carbon-fibre fibre support structures. The data will be transmitted optically to the off-detector readout...
The SBND (Short Baseline Near Detector) is the near detector of the short baseline neutrino program (SBN) at Fermilab. SBND, is located at 110m from the neutrino beam and will collect an impressive statistic of neutrino-argon interactions. SBND will also serve as test bed for new technologies for LAr-TPCs. In particular SBND implements different and complementary solutions for the detection of...
The CMS experiment will be upgraded until 2028 to deal with the increased luminosity of the HL-LHC. During this Phase-2 Upgrade, the CMS Outer Tracker will be equipped with modules each assembled with two silicon sensors. These are placed on mechanical structures in form of ladders in the central barrel of the Outer Tracker or disks in the endcap region.
During the prototyping phase the...
A major global effort is currently underway to obtain radiopure argon for DarkSide-20k (DS-20k), the first large-scale detector of the Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration (GADMC). The Urania project aims to extract underground argon (UAr) from CO2 wells in the USA at a production rate of approximately 300 kg/day. Additional chemical purification of the UAr will be necessary before it can be...
I will give an overview of the different measures DESY is taking to foster innovation and technology transfer. This is happening on four different levels. First DESY is systematically scouting for promising technologies and ideas for exploitation within the research teams. Second is that DESY is inviting the industry to cooperate with its scientists and use the scientific infrastructure within...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an upcoming neutrino physics experiment that will answer some of the most compelling questions in particle physics and cosmology. DUNE comprises a high-intensity neutrino source located at Fermilab, a massive far detector (FD) situated 1.5 km underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota, and a composite near...
There is a compelling physics case for a large, xenon-based underground detector devoted to dark matter and other rare-event searches. A two-phase time projection chamber as inner detector allows for a good energy resolution, a three-dimensional position determination of the interaction site and particle discrimination. To study challenges related to the construction and operation of a...
Max Planck Innovation (MI) is responsible for technology transfer from the research institutes of the Max Planck Society.
The Max Planck Society (MPG) operates as Germany’s most successful organization in basic research and is world renowned for its cutting-edge research. In many cases this cutting-edge research also forms the basis for innovative products and services that are implemented...
In HL-LHC operation the instantaneous luminosity will reach unprecedented values, resulting in about 200 proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch crossing. The current ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The innermost part of ITk will consist of a state-of-the-art pixel detector.
Several different silicon sensor...
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino experiment currently under construction in China. Its main goal is to determine the mass hierarchy of neutrinos, and it will do this by detecting the antineutrinos produced by nuclear reactors using a large liquid scintillator (LS) volume. The JUNO detector will be instrumented with around 20,000 large photomultiplier...
The Inner Tracking System of ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) will undergo a major upgrade during the next Long Shutdown of LHC aimed at enhancing the tracking capability. In particular, the three innermost sectors of the current vertex tracker will be replaced by truly cylindrical layers produced by using curved (wafer-scale) silicon sensors thinner than 50 µm, based on monolithic...
NEWS-G is an experiment searching for dark matter using the Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) technique. Such detectors can operate significant mass of target, of order of kgs with meter size spheres, while keeping single ionization electron detection sensitivity. They can be filled with gaseous targets of low atomic mass such as hydrogen, helium, and neon, giving sensitivity to low mass...
Large experiments, designed and built to answer questions of fundamental physics, have a very high level of frontier technology. One of the challenges we face today, alongside that of advancing knowledge, is to take these technologies out of the research field so that the advantage for society also translates into the country's competitive growth.
Building successful projects does not follow...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will be composed of two neutrino detectors positioned in an intense neutrino beam, originating at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL). The near detector (ND) will be located at FNAL, and will characterise the neutrino beam. The far detector (FD) will be 1300 km from FNAL, and 1.5 km underground. The FD is segmented into four liquid...
In 2018, the European Commission (EC)’s Horizon 2020 Programme funded ATTRACT phase 1, which supported 170 breakthrough technology concepts in the domain of detection and imaging technologies across Europe. The projects were each granted €100,000 in seed funding to create a proof-of-concept. ATTRACT co-innovation approach seeks to act as a bridge between two communities – research and industry...
The DUNE experiment will start operating at the end of this decade, with the objective of measuring in detail neutrino oscillations, and other rare physics processes. Four far detectors modules (17 kt each) will be installed at SURF, in South Dakota, about 1.5 km underground. The data selection system of one DUNE far detector module's Time Projection Chamber (TPC) relies on the real-time...
As noble liquid time projection chambers get larger, so does the high voltage (HV) requirements required to maintain strong electric drift fields. HV feedthrough (FT) designs become increasingly complex given limitations imposed by cryogenic temperatures, HV, and cryostat geometry. In this talk, progress on a novel HV FT using a coextruded multi-layered coaxial cable is presented for...
The building blocks of the ATLAS Strip Tracker for HL-LHC are modules that host silicon sensors and front-end electronics. The modules are mounted on carbon-fiber substructures hosting up to 14 modules per side. An End-of-Substructure (EoS) card on each substructure side connects up to 28 differential data lines at 640 Mbit/s to lpGBT and VL+ ASICs that provide data serialization and 10 GBit/s...
After a general introduction of KT at CERN, its activities and some examples, the talk will cover the main opportunities for CERN KT partners and the main challenges associated to the sometimes tortuous path from research to commercialization and societal impact.
For the HL-LHC upgrade the current ATLAS Inner Detector is replaced by an all-silicon system. The pixel detector will consist of three different subsystems with different mechanical support structures, resulting in an actively instrumented area of about 13m$^2$. The Outer Barrel is made of longerons and inclined half-rings, the Outer Endcaps is made of half-rings and the Inner System consists...
The NEWS-G experiment is a dark matter experiment based on gaseous detectors, located at SNO lab. The experiment aims to detect WIMPs by measuring nuclear recoils in noble gases using a spherical proportional counter (SPC) detector, which offers high sensitivity due to its unprecedented low energy threshold. Accurate measurement of the recoil energy requires knowledge of the quenching factor...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) with a 20 kton liquid scintillator (LS) detector is a multi-purpose underground experiment. The neutrino mass ordering (NMO) in JUNO can be determined by measuring atmospheric neutrinos with the matter effect (MSW) and measuring the spectrum modification of reactor anti-neutrinos induced by oscillations with ∆M$_{31}$$^{2}$, respectively....
The tight space constraints of the ATLAS ITk Pixel system motivate the design of large-scale flex circuits for carrying low-voltage power, high-voltage sensor bias, and command/data transmission. These circuits extend over long distances in the barrel or large areas in the endcap rings, and they pose unique design challenges. We report on the design and prototyping of large-scale flex circuits...
Future projects in particle and nuclear physics typically have a large scale in terms of complexity, size, technological requirements and associated costs. These projects therefore cannot be realised like earlier experiments in the field, where most of the equipments were designed, tested , built, and installed by academic researchers. For future projects cooperation with industry will be...
The detectors in experimental physics are typically custom made devices developed by the research groups who later use them for their experiments.The production of such detectors requires industrial processes.While the physicists and engineers designing the detectors need to have a good understanding of the details of the technologies offered by industry,the industry partners have to...
Random Power is a project, now turned into a start-up company, aimed to develop a platform of devices for random bit stream generation. The history of the company will be presented, from the idea flashing while working on single photon sensitive devices to awareness of the market potential, promotion through start-up competition and funding. The latter will be critically analysed, with a focus...
The high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) brings unprecedented requirements for precision bunch-by-bunch online luminosity measurement and beam-induced background monitoring with 1 second time granularity, creating the need for new high-precision instrumentation at CMS. A key component of the CMS Beam Radiation Instrumentation and Luminosity system is a stand-alone luminometer, the Fast...
Signal reduction is the most important radiation damage effect on performance of silicon tracking detectors in ATLAS. Adjusting sensor bias voltage and detection threshold can help in mitigating the effects but it
is important to have simulated data that reproduce the evolution of performance with the accumulation of luminosity, hence fluence.
ATLAS collaboration developed and...
The XENON project is a multi-stage research program that aims to identify the true nature of dark matter using two-phase liquid xenon time projection chambers of increasing size and sensitivity. The current phase, XENONnT, is operating at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. Designed to be a rapid upgrade of its predecessor XENON1T, XENONnT is expected to improve sensitivity to...
The talk will provide a brief description of the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC) project and its physics program. According to the latest update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, the first stage of the project will be the construction of an approximately 90 km circular tunnel, instrumented with an e+e- collider based on established technologies. This would allow for an...
The Electron-ion collider in China (EicC) is a proposed future electron-ion collider with a high luminosity above 2.0 × 10e33 cm−2·s−1 and center-of-mass energy ranging from 15 to 20 GeV. To meet its PID requirement in the barrel region, a focusing DIRC detector is proposed, which consists of fused silica radiators, MCP-PMT photosensor array, and fast-timing readout electronics. In order to...
DarkSide-20k (DS-20k) is the next stage of the DarkSide program and will be a new generation experiment involving a global collaboration from all the current argon-based detectors. The experiment is designed as a 20-tonne fiducial mass dual phase liquid argon time projection chamber (LAr-TPC) filled with low radioactivity argon and instrumented with SiPM-based cryogenic photosensors. The...
High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a high-performance and high-energy synchrotron radiation light source with a beam energy of 6GeV and an ultra-low emittance of better than 0.06nm.rad. HEPS will be the first high-energy synchrotron radiation light source in China. It will make many contributions to the development of science and technology in China. This light source can provide essential...
The PandaX-III experiment aims to detect the Neutrinoless Double-beta decay (NLDBD), a hypothetical process where only two electrons are emitted from the atomic nucleus. Since the Q-value of the decay is divided only between charged particles, the electron sum energy spectrum of the NLDBD would show a single peak at the Q-value point. While only a few isotopes undergo double-beta decay with...
Among all “Higgs Factories”, the international Linear Collider project (ILC) with a first stage at 250 GeV, followed by an upgrade to higher energy, is by far the most advanced in terms of technology, maturity, cost, and preparations in international cooperation. A global design and R&D effort for baseline detector concepts, ILC and SiD, allowed drawing up the main specifications for the...
The optimisation of the charge collection behaviour in the sensitive region of CMOS sensors with nonlinear electric fields requires precise simulations, and this can be achieved by a combination of finite-element electrostatic field simulations and Monte Carlo methods. Monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) produced using commercial CMOS imaging processes are attractive in a particle physics...
Muon colliders provide a unique route to deliver high energy collisions that enable discovery searches and precision measurements to extend our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. All this at a single circular collider and on a feasible timescale, as reviewed in the frame of the European Roadmap for Accelerator R&D and during the U.S. Snowmass process. The recently formed...
Low background detectors, such as those used in direct dark matter searches, require high-efficient neutron veto to reject nuclear recoil backgrounds. Gadolinium-doped polymethyl methacrylate (Gd-PMMA) has emerged as a promising solid neutron tagging material, with high hydrogen content for moderating neutrons and gadolinium content for capturing thermal neutrons and exploiting subsequent...
We describe a system used for online measurements of luminosity, utilizing elastic $e^+e^-$ Bhabha scattering and two-photon annihilation processes reconstructed with the Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter. The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider is designed to achieve a luminosity of $6\times10^{35}~\text{cm}^{-2}\text{s}^{-1}$. With the designed...
The goal of the TANGERINE project is to develop the next generation of
monolithic silicon pixel detectors using a 65 nm CMOS imaging process, which
offers a higher logic density and overall lower power consumption compared to
previously used processes. A combination of Technology Computer-Aided De-
sign (TCAD) and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are used to understand the
physical processes...
The SABRE (Sodium iodide with Active Background REjection) experiment aims to detect an annual rate modulation from dark matter interactions in ultra-high purity NaI(Tl) crystals in order to provide a model independent test of the signal observed by DAMA/LIBRA. It is made up of two separate detectors; SABRE South located at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (SUPL), in regional...
The Future Circular Colliders (FCC) project is centered on the construction of a large, 91 km in circumference, circular tunnel located around the Geneva area. The project foresees two distinct phases of operation. In the first one, denominated FCC-ee, the tunnel will house an electron positron collider. FCC-ee will be operated at several center-of-mass energies, ranging from the Z peak to the...
Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a wide-bandgap semiconductor that has recently become a topic of intensified interest in the HEP instrumentation community due to the availability of high-quality wafers from the power electronics industry. SiC features multiple advantageous material properties over silicon. It is insensitive to visible light, hypothesized to be more radiation hard, and has much lower...
The Phase-II Upgrade of the LHC will increase its instantaneous
luminosity by a factor of 7 leading to the High Luminosity LHC
At the HL-LHC, the number of proton-proton collisions in one bunch
crossing (called pileup) increases significantly, putting more
stringent requirements on the LHC detectors electronics and real-time data
processing capabilities.
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a next-generation 20
kton liquid scintillator detector under construction in southern China. It is designed to determine the neutrino mass ordering via the measurement of reactor neutrino oscillation. In addition, it has the potential for various other topics including atmospheric neutrinos, cosmic muons, etc., in the GeV energy region....
Abstract. Precise measurements of luminosity play a crucial role in the ATLAS physics programme at the LHC, in particular for cross section measurements, where it can be one of the largest systematic uncertainties. The Tile Calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment plays an important role in these measurements due to its luminosity measurements being independent of pileup. The comparison of LUCID...
The Inner Tracker (IT) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will be upgraded for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). In the ultimate running scenario, the expected integrated luminosity at the end of the HL-LHC running phase is 4000 fb$^{-1}$, corresponding to a 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of $3.5 \times 10^{16}$ cm$^{-2}$ and a total ionizing...
Sterile neutrinos are a natural extension of the Standard Model of particle physics. If their mass is in the keV range, they are a viable dark matter candidate. One way to search for sterile neutrinos in a laboratory-based experiment is via tritium beta decay. A sterile neutrino with a mass up to 18.6 keV would manifest itself in the decay spectrum as a kink-like distortion. The objective of...
A multi-TeV Muon Collider is a promising candidate for the next energy-frontier facility, combining in a single machine usually competing features, such as high energy reach, clean final states, and small environmental footprint. In particular, a collider with the centre-of-mass energy of 10 TeV is the long-term target of the ongoing design study, while lower intermediate energies are also...
The KATRIN experiment aims at the direct measurement of the neutrino mass scale via precision endpoint spectroscopy of tritium β-decay. The current upper limit on the neutrino mass set by KATRIN is 0.8 eV/c² (90% C.L.) (Nature Physics 18, 160–166 (2022)). Despite advances in background reduction, the elevated background level prohibits to achieve its target sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c² (90%...
A promising diagnostic system for circulating beams based on microchannel plates (MCP) is presented in the framework of implementation of the NICA project. The profile monitors developed, manufactured and tested in Nuclotron and Booster provide measurements in a range of intensities of single-charged ions from 10$^{3}$ to 10$^{8}$ which is not covered by other existing measurement equipment....
The High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the HL-LHC, is expected to provide up to 200 proton-proton interaction per bunch crossing delivering about 4000 fb$^{-1}$ of data over 10 years.
To operate in such a harsh particle environment the present inner detector of ATLAS experiment will be replaced by a completely new Inner Tracker (ITk). The pixel detector, which is...
A large, worldwide community of physicists is working to realize an exceptional physics program of energy-frontier, electron-positron collisions with the International Linear Collider (ILC) and other collider projects (summarized and evaluated in
The International Large Detector (ILD) is one of the proposed detector concepts at the next...
The proposed Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) imposes new challenges for the vertex detector in terms of material budget, spatial resolution, readout speed, and power consumption. The TaichuPix chip is a dedicated CMOS Pixel Sensor that is being developed for the first 6-layer silicon vertex detector prototype of the CEPC vertex detector R&D. The TaichuPix chip need to provide a...
A new era of hadron collisions will start around 2029 with the
High-Luminosity LHC which will allow to collect ten times more data
than what has been collected during 10 years of operation at LHC.
This will be achieved by higher instantaneous luminosity at the
price of a higher number of collisions per bunch crossing.
In order to withstand the high expected radiation...
It is extremely important for future neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay experiments to reach a sensitivity to effective Majorana neutrino mass $|m_{\beta\beta}|$~meV. At this level, the determination of neutrinos’ Majorana nature, absolute masses and the constraints on one of two Majorana CP phases are possible, which will provide profound insights into understanding the...
The recent R&D for underground low-energy particle physics experiments involve SiPMs extensively as the prime photo-detectors due to their ability to enhance the sensitivity of rare particle events. Along with their advantages of having low operating voltages, high PDE, and excellent single-photon resolution, they cause secondary photon emissions which are responsible for at least three...
The discovery that neutrinos are Majorana fermions would have profound implications for particle physics and cosmology. The Majorana character of neutrinos would make neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay, a matter-creating process without the balancing emission of antimatter, possible. The LEGEND Collaboration pursues a phased, $^{76}$Ge-based double-beta decay experimental...
The Crilin calorimeter is a semi-homogeneous calorimeter based on Lead Fluoride (PbF2) Crystals readout by surface-mount UV-extended Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). It is a proposed solution for the electromagnetic calorimeter of the future Muon Collider. A high granularity is required in order to distinguish signal particles from the background and to solve the substructures necessary for...
The High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) at CERN will provide unprecedented instantaneous and integrated luminosities of around 5 x 10^34 cm-2 s-1 and 3000/fb, respectively. An average of 140 to 200 collisions per bunch-crossing (pileup) is expected. In the barrel region of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), the lead tungstate crystals and avalanche...
The prototype detector of the ICAL experiment at the India-based Neutrino Observatory, the mini-ICAL
is in operation at the IICHEP, Madurai. A Cosmic Muon Veto detector (CMVD) around the mini-ICAL is
being commissioned using extruded plastic scintillators with embedded WLS fibers. The SiPM is used
as a photo-transducer and that will be calibrated using an ultrafast LED driver. Other...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) was been proposed as a Higgs and high luminosity Z factory in last few years. The detector conceptual design of a updated detector consists of a tracking system, which is a high precision (about 100μm) spatial resolution Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detector as the main track device in very large 3D volume. The tracking system required the high...
Neutrinoless double beta decay search is a powerful tool to clarify the nature of neutrino as a Dirac or Majorana-type particle and probe the unknown neutrino mass.
Observing this decay means the lepton number violating process, which will help us understand the baryon asymmetric universe with the leptogenesis scenario.
The AMoRE collaboration has been searching for neutrinoless double...
The future Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC), as one of future large-scale scientific facilities for high energy lepton collider experiments, aims to accurately measure the Higgs boson, electroweak physics and the top quark. A highly granular crystal electromagnetic calorimeter is proposed within the CEPC 4th detector concept to achieve an excellent EM energy resolution of less than...
Abstract. The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a sampling hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment, with steel as absorber and plastic scintillators as active medium. The High-Luminosity phase of LHC, delivering five times the LHC nominal instantaneous luminosity, is expected to begin in 2029. TileCal will require new electronics to meet the requirements of a 1 MHz...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is designed to operate at center-of-mass energies of 240 GeV as a Higgs factory, as well as at the Z-pole and the WW production threshold for electroweak precision measurements and study of flavor physics. A good identification of charged kaons is essential for the flavor physics and benefits the determination of jet flavor and jet charge. To...
We have developed a technique that utilizes the forward current to heat and anneal SiPMs to mitigate the effects of radiation damage in high-radiation environments. We conducted an experimental study on the radiation damage and recovery of SiPMs. SiPMs from three different manufacturers (SengL, Hamamatsu, and Beijing Normal University) were examined. Unlike the conventional method of using low...
Four important experiments for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) are currently being upgraded to accommodate an increase in luminosity. These four key experiments include ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS), which has been improved to study a broad range of physics. The central hadronic calorimeter is the Tile Calorimeter (TileCal), which is part of the ATLAS detector. The...
Neutrinoless double-beta decay (0$\nu\beta\beta$) is a key process to address some of the major outstanding issues in particle physics, such as the lepton number conservation and the Majorana nature of the neutrino. Several efforts have taken place in the last decades in order to reach higher and higher sensitivity on its half-life. The next-generation of experiments aims at covering the...
DUNE is the most ambitious long-baseline experiment under construction in the US for the study of neutrino oscillation and astroparticle physics. The DUNE far detector will employ the Liquid Argon TPC technology, enhanced by a powerful Photon Detection System that records the 128 nm scintillation light emitted by argon. The basic devices of this system are custom SIPMs.
A dedicated...
Motivated by the physics programs that aim at precision measurements of the Higgs, W and Z bosons, as well as the top quark, future lepton colliders (e.g. the Circular Electron Positron Collider, or CEPC) require an excellent calorimetry system to achieve the unprecedented jet energy resolution. The CEPC team has proposed a new detector concept named “the 4th detector concept”. A major...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE)
is the first bolometric experiment searching for 0νββ decay
that has successfully reached the one-tonne mass scale.
The detector, located at the LNGS in Italy, consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers.
CUORE began its first physics data run in 2017 at a base temperature...
During the Phase 2, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will increase the instantaneous luminosity to 5-7.5 x 10^34 cm-2 s-1, representing a new challenge for the Muon System of the CMS detector. To cope with the new data-taking conditions and to improve the present tracking and triggering capabilities, the muon system will undergo specific upgrades targeting both the electronics and detectors....
We present a project to develop Gallium containing scintillator detector for low energy neutrino studies. GAGG(Ce) is a relatively new highly efficient fast inorganic scintillator. Recently the scintillator was propsed (P. Huber, 2022) as neutrino detector to test the well known and still not yet resolved Gallium anomaly. Following this idea we evaluate GAGG(Ce) scintillator as a possible...
The FELIX system has been introduced as a readout system for ATLAS in LHC Run 3, for a subset of the ATLAS subdetectors. An evolved version of FELIX, dubbed Phase II, will be deployed in Run 4 (2029 – 2032) and will serve all ATLAS subdetectors.
The FELIX Phase II system will be comprised of about 300 servers, each equipped with custom PCIe FELIX cards and a 400 GbE network interface. The...
The upgrade of the ATLAS hadronic Tile-calorimeter (TileCal) Low Voltage Power Supply
(LVPS) is a part of the preparation for the High-luminosity LHC project. This talk serves
to provide a detailed overview of the development of a Burn-in test station for an
upgraded LVPS component known as a Brick. These Bricks are radiation ...
Future electron-positron colliders (e.g. the Circular Electron Positron Colllider, namely CEPC) impose stringent requirements on the energy resolutions of hadron and jets for the precision physic programs of the Higgs, Z, W bosons and the top quark. To address the challenges, one of the state-of-art calorimetry options is high-granularity calorimetry based on the particle flow algorithms...
DANSS detector at Kalininskaya nuclear power plant demonstrates excellent performance in antineutrino detection. Counting rates of up to 5000 events per day made it possible to record more than 6.5 million antineutrino events in 6 years of remarkably stable operation. The data sample is extremely clean and features the signal to background ratio in excess of 50. Yet only moderate energy...
The current demand for materials with fast scintillation response for radiation detectors in both major application fields, future high-luminosity high energy physics experiments and medical imaging with better spatial resolution, require the characterization of processes in scintillators in picosecond domain. In particular, excitation transfer becomes important for fast scintillation...
Muon scattering tomography has a broad application prospects in homeland security, nuclear reactor and waste imaging, etc. Scintillation detector is a very competitive solution due to its stability and robustness in harsh environment. However, it's a challenge to develop such detectors with both high spatial resolution and large detection area, especially with a limited budget.
We have...
The High-Luminosity LHC will open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the standard model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. Such precision measurements and searches require information-rich datasets with a statistical power that matches the high-luminosity provided by the Phase-2 upgrade of the...
The HOLMES experiment aims to directly measure the ν mass studying the 163Ho electron capture decay spectrum, developing arrays of TES-based micro-calorimeters implanted with O(102 Bq/detector) $^{163}$Ho atoms.
The $^{163}$Ho embedding inside detectors is a crucial step of the experiment. Because $^{163}$Ho is produced by neutron irradiation of a $^{162}$Er sample, the source must be...
The electron electric dipole moment (e-EDM) is a model-independent probe of parity and time-reversal violation at energies beyond the ones that can be reached in particle colliders. The PHYDES project is an R&D experiment funded by CSN V of INFN aimed to test innovative approaches for e-EDM studies. In particular, the proposed idea is to use diatomic polar molecules, where e-EDM effects are...
SpecMAT is an active target developed for studying the shell evolution in exotic isotopes and observing the fundamental aspects of the nuclear structure far from stability via transfer reactions carried in inverse kinematics. The active target, which is a novel modification of a time projection chamber, can acquire three-dimensional tracks of light reaction products and work in coincidence...
The instantaneous luminosity of the LHC in Run 3 is increased up to 3x10^34 cm^-2s^-1, bringing the need for the upgrade of the ATLAS detector, including the trigger system.
The new Phase-I L1Topo system, which replaces its Phase-0 predecessor, processes data from the jet, electromagnetic, and global Feature Extractors and the upgraded Muon to Central Trigger Processor Interface to perform...
The high granularity calorimeter (HGCAL) of CMS is planned to operate during the high luminosity operation of the LHC, replacing the existing electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters at the endcap section. It will enable a detailed investigation of vector boson fusion processes and Lorentz-boosted topologies in forward regions. An extensive validation of the hardware and software components...
Institute of Scintillation Materials, Kharkiv, Ukraine has been a member of CMS collaborators for more than 20 years, is also a technically associated member of the LHCb experiment, takes part as a partner in other projects and communities in high energy physics experiments
The Institute is a manufacturer and supplier of scintillators for different experiments. Active take part in the...
Abstract. Electronics, in general, experience a high mortality rate in the first few months of their use - this is especially true for particle physics instrumentation, where electronic components are subjected to high temperatures, constant loads, and radiation. This environment necessitates the development of a process to test the performance and reliability of the electronics to mitigate...
This review systematically explores the rapidly advancing field of cosmic ray muography, a non- invasive imaging technique that utilizes high-energy cosmic ray muons from the atmosphere. These elusive particles can penetrate diverse materials, offering insights into the interiors of geological formations, archaeological sites, nuclear waste storage, and more. This paper examines various...